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  • Writer's pictureArielle & Ashley

Is Placenta Encapsulation Really Worth Doing?

Humans are one of the only land mammals who do not consume the placenta after birth. Humans are also one of the only land mammals who experience issues with postpartum mood disorders and issues with having enough milk supply to feed our babies.


There have been theories that animals consume their placentas to protect themselves from predators, but interestingly, even animals with no known predators, are also consuming their placentas, as are those who deliver their young from treetops. Many species also leave the fluids on the ground, which would have been expected to attract predators as well.

As humans, we are not quite so keen on consuming our warm, raw placenta immediately after birth like other mammals. What has been considered safer than consuming raw meat is the process of placenta encapsulation. Placenta encapsulation consists of rinsing the placenta, steaming it in lemon and ginger, slicing it into thin slices, dehydrating it over night, and grinding it into a powder to be placed in capsules for consumption. The client is left with a meticulously cleaned kitchen, a beautiful jar of placenta capsules, and instructions for suggested use and storage.

With no current studies proving or disproving any potential benefits of placenta consumption, we are left to the anecdotal evidence of others who have consumed theirs.

Many clients of Music City Doulas have noted a considerable difference in their mood and energy on days that they did consume their placenta pills compared to days that they didn’t. Additionally, clients who did not consume their placenta with one birth and did with another are reporting better mood, more energy, increased milk supply, and faster healing. The benefits they received have been so positive that many are choosing to encapsulate again for subsequent pregnancies.

If you are going to consume your placenta, you want the safest method available with highly trained professionals to process it for you. Music City Doulas is proud to be considered the local expert in placenta consumption and was also recently interviewed by WSMV News Channel 4 about the topic. Check out the story below.

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